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July 6, 2022

Mom Guilt

Mom Guilt

Have you ever had a feeling of not being the perfect parent? Not being or doing enough as a parent? If so this is called "Mom Guilt."

As mothers we want to be perfect for our kids, we want to know that we are doing all the right things, but let me tell you: nothing is ever perfect. If you strive for perfection you will just continue to drive yourself insane. 

Guilt is a feeling of wanting and trying to strive to be a perfect parent, and when you come up short your beating yourself up over it...I'm here to tell you...DON'T. Don't beat yourself up because you feel you're not doing something right. You are doing the best you can for your kids, so DO NOT FEEL BAD ABOUT THAT AND DO NOT LET ANYONE ELSE MAKE YOU FEEL BAD. I know this is easier said than done, but know that you are enough for your children. 

Mom guilt comes in many forms; working moms, non breast feeding moms, moms who allow their kids screen time, moms who just crave adult conversations and interactions, moms who strive to do what other moms are doing, and want to do it all. If these sound like you...take a deep breath...pat yourself on the back and know that you do not have to live up to live up anyone's expectations of what a mom should be. 

Mom guilt can lead to many other stressors such as depression, anxiety, and a slew of other mental health issues. If you are suffering from guilt there are many things to hep you combat these feelings such as; challenging these negative thoughts, seek professional help to help you sort through these feelings, take some time for yourself, find a supportive friend or family member you can confide in. There are many other ideas of combating mom guilt. Research all the resources out there and read this article on 'betterup.com': https://www.betterup.com/blog/mom-guilt#:~:text=Mom%20guilt%20%E2%80%94%20or%20mommy%20guilt,ideal%20of%20a%20perfect%20mom and also: https://www.whattoexpect.com/family/7-ways-to-deal-with-mom-guilt 

Listen to my next episode of the Lazy Mom Podcast for my thoughts on "Mom Guilt"